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SBC Summit will provide an exclusive programme of Masterclasses designed to provide in-depth knowledge and practical skills in the key areas: Sports Betting and Casino Gaming. Over the three days of the Summit, attendees will have the opportunity to learn from leading industry experts, gaining valuable insights that typically would cost you over €1000.   Upon completion, participants will receive certification to recognise their new expertise.

Sports Betting Masterclasses - Odds Compiling & Sports Modelling Techniques

Description: Join Jonathan Smith, founder of Sportsbook Training Services, for an exclusive Sports Betting Masterclass focused on Trading the skill of odds compiling. This Masterclass offers a unique opportunity for SBC Summit attendees to learn the fundamentals of sports betting and the mathematics driving the operations.

  • Introduction to Odds Compiling (Tuesday 24 September)
    • Understand the core principles of odds compiling, including the mathematical theories and statistical models that underpin the process.
    • Explore where prices come from in principle and practice.
    • Understand how data suppliers create odds and what you're purchasing from them.
    • Understand the core principles of odds compiling, including the mathematical theories and statistical models that underpin the process
    • Learn how to accurately calculate and set odds that reflect the true probability of various outcomes.
  • Sports Modelling Techniques
    • Explore strategies for predicting sports outcomes with higher accuracy.
    • Duration: 60 minutes
  • Practical Demonstration: Premier League match (Wednesday 25 September) 
    • Learn how to price up a football match (e.g. a selected Premier League match) 
    • Core market creation
    • Create bookings and corner markets.
    • Understand how these markets feed into BetBuilders.
    • Duration: 90 minutes

Casino Masterclasses - Understanding Electronic Gaming Management

Description: A three-session workshop, giving delegates a better understanding of the basic principles behind a good Electronic Gaming floor. That includes understanding different player profiles (and their expectations), and based on this understanding, how to implement a Pricing & Product strategy. Sessions are executed by Lucien (Lucas) Wijsman, best known for his role at The Slot Academy (now the Electronic Gaming Academy) and for having advised many Land-Based Casino Operators across Europe (and other parts of the world).

  • Session 1 - Electronic Gaming Player Expectations and Motivations (Tuesday 24 September)
    • Identifying and Categorising Casino Visitor Profiles and explanation of their expectations and Motivation.
    • The basis for all marketing strategies; knowing your customers’ expectations and motivations.
    • THE Gaming Customer does not exist. Understanding the different expectations and motivations of the various Casino Visitor Profiles helps when defining the Product-mix & Price-setting.
    • Duration: 90 minutes

  • Session 2 – Product and Price considerations (Wednesday 25 September)
    • What does it Cost and what does it Do? A session about Price setting on Electronic Gaming Products.
    • Minimum and Maximum Bet settings on slot machines greatly impact the earning power of
    • Electronic Gaming Products. In configuring these parameters Operators should also take the financial exposure and other aspects into consideration.
    • This session takes the expectations of the Various Player Profiles introduced in session 1 into account.
    • Duration: 90 minutes
  • Session 3 – Bet Based Promotions on Electronic Gaming machines (Thursday 26 September)
    • What does it Do? A session about Game Configuration and Game Concepts of Electronic Gaming Products.
    • Different types of players are attracted to different types of Game Concepts. Understanding what makes games attractive for certain player categories is key to the Electronic Gaming Operation`s success and greatly impacts the bottom line of the Electronic Gaming Product.
    • This session dives into the impact of RTP, Game Duration and -very important- Volatility.
    • This session takes the expectations of the Various Player Profiles introduced in session 1 into account.
    • Duration: 90 minutes.

Cyber Security Masterclass - Counterterrorism, Crisis Response & Cybersecurity

Description: A three-session masterclass on counter-terrorism, crisis response and cybersecurity, protecting companies in the gaming industry from nefarious actors. Attendees will engage in simulated emergencies, learn how to protect their digital economy from danger and combat cyber attacks. Sessions are executed by Noel G. Whelan. Noel has a 30-year career in both military and counter-terrorism environments; and working with a broad range of clients. Noel has a Masters of Arts Degree in counter-terrorism and security from Leeds University, England.

  • Session 1 - Surviving the Corporate Red 10, a simulated experience (Tuesday 24 September)
    • Engage in simulated emergencies, and work in teams to solve the presented challenge. Attendees of this workshop will get a first hand experience of the exhilarating intensity of crisis. They will develop much-needed leadership skills & problem-solving abilities to better handle internal crises which may one day face the company.

    • Strategy creation

    • Crisis response methods

    • Leadership methods

    • Advanced Public Speaking technique

    • How to establish an emergency chain of command

  • Session 2 - Become a deterrence against terrorism & money laundering (Wednesday 25 September)

    • Non-state actors are ever changing their means of raising funds for their activities. The digital economy is a prime target for exploitation. Join this session to better understand why the digital economy is at risk, who presents the danger and how to solve the crisis.

    • What are the risks

    • How to spot internal vulnerable points

    • What are the current solutions

    • How to create tailored strategies that better support your company

  • Session 3 - Avoiding the Victim State (Thursday 26 September)
    • To take down a company it only takes 2 minutes, Cyber attacks can hold data and finance at ransom, take down company infrastructure, infringe corporate reputation and worst of all create instability and fear in the lives of those employed by the victim company. This interactive session will delve into why & which companies are at high risk of cyber attacks as well as deliver the key solutions to combat a cyber attack
    • What are the risks

    • How to spot internal vulnerable points

    • What are the current solutions

    • How to create tailored strategies that better support your company